Monday, 29 April 2013

Ooievaars vir 'n spesiale mamma en baba

Saterdag het ons 'n ooievaars tee vir my dogter Viyonne en haar baba wat in Junie kom, gehou. Haar broer het haar uit London kom verras, en dit was so lekker om albei my kinders weer by my te hê.

Estee, wat dit gereël het, het besluit dat daar verseker kameelperdjies by die tee moet wees as tema, aangesien dit Viyonne se gunsteling dier is. (sy praat van Camel Horses)

Estee het 'n pragtige koek laat bak met die skatlikste kameelperdjies op.

Ek is opgekommandeer om boekmerkies te hekel. Ek het 'n prentjie raak gegoogle en sommer van die prentjie af gehekel.  So lyk 20 kameerperde in 'n ry!

My eerste babette! Dit was 'n geskenk aan my kleinkind.  In al die opwinding het ek ongelukkig vergeet om 'n foto van die finale produk te neem.  Ek het met Elle Pure Gold Chunky gehekel, en die kombers het 'n dubbele ouma ry in rooi gekry om dit af te werk.

Thursday, 25 April 2013

'n Warm baba kokon

 Gesoek: 'n manier om baba lekker warm te hou in die winter.

Oplossing: 'n warm kokon!

 Begin met 'n sirkel van 10 langbene.  Vermeerder 'n paar rye totdat basis groot genoeg is.

 Hekel dan verder om 'n 'buis' te vorm

Verminder weer effens sodat dit warm om die nekkie gaan pas, en voila!

 En selfs Lulu wil naby die baba en die warm kokon wees

Ek het 5 bolle Elle Snuggles in Lime gebruik, met 'n 8.5mm hekelnaald, sodat dit lekker sag is en maklik rek.

4KCBWDAY4 Colour Review

What is your favourite colour?  Mine is white!  I drive a white car, and if I could, I would have my whole house in white.  That, unfortunately, is not possible with 4 cats and 2 dogs.

Funny thing is, I hardly ever crochet in white.  As much as I love it, when it comes to crochet, it's just, well, boring!

I cannot say that I have a favourite colour for crochet.  It is determined by whatever or rather whoever I am doing the piece for.  Most of my crochet lately has been in light pastel colours. 

Last year, a lot of crocheting was done for a beautiful little girl that was born in October.  So there were lots of shades of pink and pastels.

Now we have another baby on it's way, but seeing that the gender is a surprise, I'm doing lots of 'neutral' colours.  Lime, green, yellow, beige. 

 Whatever colour, crochet is such a pleasure and every piece is special

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

4kcbwday3 Infographic

Say it takes about 1 hour, working in straight dc, to crochet one small ball of yarn. (I worked on a ball of Elle Snuggle, which is about 50 metres)

How many hours would it take me to work through my stash?

A wild guesstimate would be that there are about 300 balls of wool. At an average of 75m per ball, there are about 22500 metres. That gives me 450 hours of crochet.

So that's 18.75 days right?  Oh my!  I better get some more yarn pronto!

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

4KCBWDAY2 - a Mascot project

For this year's annual blog week, I chose to be in the Manatee House.

Half a manatee's day is spent sleeping in the water, surfacing for air regularly at intervals no greater than 20 minutes. Manatees spend most of the rest of the time grazing in shallow waters at depths of 1–2 metres.

Imagine if I could be a crocheting manatee.  Instead of sleeping, I would be crocheting, and when I have to come up for air, I would have a cup of tea! Now that sounds like a good life.

Manatees are large, fully aquatic, mostly herbivorous animals sometimes known as sea cows. They measure up to 13 feet (4.0 m) long, weigh as much as 1,300 pounds (590 kg) and have paddle-like flippers.

So they are BIG! If I think of big, soft crochet projects, first thing that comes to mind is a large blanket. I have done a few of those, and I love to do them

blankets for grandchildren:

 A blanket for my son-in-law:

More grandchildren:

One for my daughter (yes, I actually knitted this one!)

And one for my son.  This one was probably the biggest project so far.  A huge queen size granny square.  Loved it!

I went on google (I really love to google things), and found the cutest little crochet manatees. Aren't they adorable? You can find the link here
Crochet Manatee Kit

Monday, 22 April 2013

4KCBWDAY1 The House Cup

Here we go!  Day one of the 4th Annual Knitting and Crochet Blog Week.

For today, I need to choose my House Cup.  There are 4 options to choose from, and you can see the options by visiting

After reading through the options, I knew that I belong to the House of Manatees.

The House of Manatee: Manatees are gentle, calm and cuddly. Relaxed and unflashy they represent the comfort and soft side of knitting and crochet.

Nothing beats gentle, relaxed, comfort.

My ideal world would be this:




Ahhh, joy!

Till next time....

Monday, 15 April 2013

Vrolike Blommetjies

Wat doen mens met oorskiet wolle? Maak blommetjies vir 'n vriendin wat kopbandjies vir dogtertjies maak!

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Bongani (en my) groentetuin

Ek het in hierdie vorige blog vertel van die groente wat ek geplant het. Die idee was om net bietjie groente in potte te plant, genoeg vir persoonlike gebruik. 

Getrou aan my natuur het ek nou weer uitgebrei daarop, en gedink as ek meer plant, kan ek sommer die bediende en tuinier ook voer uit die groentetuin.  (Groot drome, dis ek daai)

Verlede naweek gryp ek toe 'n spitvurk, graaf en hark en skep heeltemal op my eie 'n bedding van so 1.3m by 1.3m.  Harde werk! Ek dink as mens elke dag in 'n tuin werk, hoef jy nooit gimnasium toe te gaan nie.

Dinsdag kom werk Bongani, en ek vra hom of hy nog 'n bedding wil maak, dan kan hy en Eunice ook sommer groente vars uit die tuin eet.  Met 'n breë glimlag verseker hy my hy ken van tuinmaak, en kort  voor lank, en onder 'n bloedige Malelane son, skep Bongani 'n spog groentetuin.  


Nou voel ek effe skaam om my bedding te wys waaraan ek so hard gewerk het! Maar die patats maak darem al blaartjies.

Intussen groei die eerste groente in die potte baie flink, en ek sal julle gereeld op hoogte hou van ons vordering.


En selfs die saadjies wat ek gesaai het, kom al op!